• English
  • Suomi
Integration 2024, a major event on integration in Finland, will be held in Turku on 14-15 November 2024. As part of the event, an elevator pitch contest will be held, where actors in the field will give short speeches highlighting their best ideas and actions to promote integration. The winners will be selected by a jury of experts and the event's audience and will be rewarded with the opportunity to promote their ideas in a concrete way. In previous years, prizes included a lunch meeting with a minister or a sparring session with a top expert. This year's prize will be announced closer to the event.

This year's elevator pitch contest is primarily looking for ideas or activities that make a concrete contribution to integration in a context of dwindling resources for integration in the public and third sectors. The elevator pitch contest is open to all actors and we encourage a diverse range of people and actors to participate. It is not necessary to have a background organisation to deliver an elevator speech. Elevator pitches can be given in Finnish or English. Moniheli and Diak will select the speakers on the basis of applications. Criteria include innovativeness of the idea, functionality in a context of decreasing funding and impact on integration. The selection process will take into account diversity in terms of performers, target groups, types of activities and geography.

Please fill in this application form by Sunday 23 September and enter the competition!

Please note the following:
  • The elevator pitch contest will be held as a physical event at Turku's Logomo. Before applying, make sure you can get to Turku if your idea is selected for the competition. We will reimburse reasonable travel expenses to and from Turku. The elevator speech competition will take place on Thursday 14 November, so you do not have to attend the second day. Accommodation costs will not be reimbursed if the participant can get back to their home town on the same day.
  • You can also register for the Integration event itself via the link on the Integration 2024 event page as soon as registration opens. The event usually gets fully booked very quickly. If you did not register for the event and registration has closed, you will not be selected for the competition.
  • We will be offering an online English-language elevator pitch coaching session in October, with a separate Finnish-language coaching session if needed. We expect selected speakers to participate in the training. The exact date of the training will be announced soon.
  • We will inform applicants of the selection by 10 October.
The elevator pitch contest is organised by Moniheli ry and Diak-ammattikorkeakoulu.

For more information about the elevator pitch contest, please contact Julie Breton, Acting Executive Director of Moniheli ry, toimisto@moniheli.fi, +358 44 717 0225.

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* Your first name

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* Your last name

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* The organisation you represent, if any

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* Your email address

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* Your phone number

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* Municipality

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* Tell us shortly about the idea you would like to present in the pitching contest.

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* The public resources towards integration and civil society resources are going to decrease in the upcoming years. In what way could your idea be implemented in the near future, taking into account the aforementioned context? Would your idea help save resources?

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* Specific needs for the pitch presentation, if any

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* Questions and other comments

Thank you! We will inform all participants about the selection by October 10th.