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The workshop will be held remotely on 23.8. at 12-15

The Sustainable Maritime Industry Development Program (2022-2023) administered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment set a vision for the maritime industry:  internationally competitive, productive and broad Finnish maritime industry is one of the first to offer functional and sustainable solutions to the digital transition globally, and to employ and create prosperity in Finland.

The program supports the realization of the goals by defining a common globally ambitious, future-oriented and business-oriented development target, which will be used to concretize the programme's measures and examine the suitability of the forms of support. If implemented, the common development target would serve as a masterpiece in the field.

During the preparation of the program,  a few examples of potential common development targets were identified:  a feature or capability that can be widely used on different vessels (energy efficiency, autonomy), an entire vessel with its characteristics or a geographical area have been proposed, following the example of the Norwegian “zero emission fjord”.

We invite all actors in the maritime industry to discuss the content and boundary conditions of the common development target at the workshop on 23 August at 12-15 to ensure a common development target in the field.

Register for the workshop no later than 15.8.

A more detailed agenda and participation link will be sent to registrants closer to the workshop.

The discussions that emerge from the workshop will be recorded and analyzed by Korkia Consulting and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The results summaries obtained in the workshop can be used in other public events or materials, but only anonymously, in which case the individual response cannot be linked to any specific organization or respondent. More information about privacy policy can be found here:

Korkia Consulting is responsible for coordinating the program and the workshop in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. For more detailed questions about the project or workshop, please contact Anita Silanterä from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and Disa Laine from Korkia Consulting

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