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Benchmarking school performance surveys

See how your school's parent engagement scores compare

Whether you’re a teacher or administrator, you know that your success is contingent upon parental engagement. How a parent supports his or her child’s learning in the home, their level of involvement in your school, and their opinions of your school’s academic standards directly affect if you achieve your goals.

It’s likely that you try to track parent engagement by sending parent surveys, but how do you determine what’s normal for a school like yours? And how do you make sure that you’re not falling behind compared with other institutions?

To make it easy for you to see how you stack up against your biggest competitors, we compiled the data from hundreds of schools into a comprehensive report focused on benchmarking school performance.

See how you’re doing by comparing the results of your parent engagement survey against the SurveyMonkey benchmarks

If you want to make sure students are getting the support they need from your school, sending parent surveys is a great way to start. You’ll learn how parents really feel so you can make targeted improvements to your administration and outreach.

Our K-12 Parent Survey Template is designed to give you explicit feedback on what’s working (and what’s not) when it comes to your school. We partnered with the experts at the Harvard Graduate School of Education to give you a holistic view of the student experience at your school, from parental support and efficacy to child behaviors and study habits at home.

Sign up for a FREE account to create and parent engagement survey in minutes.

Maybe you already sent out a parent engagement survey. Or perhaps you’re planning on sending one out this year. Understand what your results really mean by using your initial parent feedback scores to set internal baselines or benchmarks.

Then repeat the survey periodically to see whether your scores move in the right direction. While tracking your school’s progress over time is important, you also need to know how you compare with other schools similar to yours. If 55% of your students’ parents say they help their children with homework, how do you know whether that’s good or bad?

Knowing where you stand—and creating goals from there—takes perspective. Although “only” 55% of parents say they help their children with homework, you’d feel pretty good about it if you knew you were in the 99th percentile. Our parent engagement benchmark data is designed to give you that context.

Here’s a peek at some of the data we’ve collected from the parent engagement survey:

Did you know that 61% of parents think their child’s school is preparing them extremely or very well for the next academic year?

Where does your school stand? Download our Parent Engagement Benchmark Report today to see more school performance benchmarks—and start setting smarter goals and making targeted improvements. Or explore our other benchmarks to see how we can help you compare your survey results against other organizations.

We can help you learn even more about where you stand. Contact us.

Manlig student med glasögon som använder sin mobil utanför en skola

SurveyMonkeyn koulutusratkaisujen avulla voit kysyä opiskelijoilta ja opetushenkilökunnalta juuri oikeat oppimiskokemuksia parantavat kysymykset.

En man och kvinna tittar på en artikel på en bärbar dator och skriver information på notislappar

Hyödynnä palautetta SurveyMonkeyn verkkoarviointi­lomakkeiden avulla. Aloita heti lomaketyökalullamme.

Leende man med glasögon som använder en bärbar dator

Tehosta päivähoitoon ilmoittautumista päivähoidon ilmoittautumis­lomakkeen mallilla. Muokkaa se tarpeitasi vastaavaksi SurveyMonkeyn lomaketyökalulla.

Kvinna som tittar på information på sin bärbara dator

Pysy yhteydessä oppilaitoksesi alumneihin ilmoittautumis­lomakkeen mallimme avulla. Muokkaa sitä tarvittaessa intuitiivisella lomaketyökalullamme.