
SurveyMonkey on tehty tehokkaaseen toimintaan. Katso, mitä SurveyMonkey voi tehdä puolestasi.

Hanki tietoon perustuvia näkemyksiä johtavalta kyselytutkimusyritykseltä.

Tutustu ydinominaisuuksiin ja monipuolisiin työkaluihin yhdellä tehokkaalla alustalla.

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Tehosta toimintaa yli 100 integroinnin avulla.

Räätälöidyt ratkaisut kaikkiin tutkimustarpeisiin.

Kyselytutkimuksia ja näkemyksiä nopeammin tekoälyn avulla.


Mittaa yrityksesi asiakastyytyväisyyttä ja ‑uskollisuutta.

Selvitä, mikä ilahduttaa asiakkaita ja tekee heistä suosittelijoita.

Paranna käyttäjäkokemusta hyödyllisillä havainnoilla.

Kerää yhteystietoja eri sidosryhmiltä.

Hallitse helposti tapahtumien vastauspyyntöjä.

Selvitä, mitä osallistujat haluavat tulevilta tapahtumilta.

Paranna sitoutumista ja tuloksia havaintojen avulla.

Pyydä palautetta, niin osaat vetää parempia kokouksia.

Paranna työsuoritusta työtovereiden palautteen avulla.

Luo parempia kursseja ja opetusmenetelmiä.

Pyydä opiskelijoita arvioimaan kurssimateriaalit.

Selvitä asiakkaiden mielipiteet uudesta tuoteideasta.


Kyselytutkimusten ja datan parhaat käytännöt

Vinkkejä mm. kyselytutkimuksiin ja liiketoimintaan

SurveyMonkeyn ohjeet ja oppaat

Näin huippubrändit lisäävät kasvua SurveyMonkeyn avulla

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Ota yhteys myyntiinKirjaudu sisään

Measure the effectiveness of your ad creative with an automated analysis of digital ads, web pages, signage, and more.

Two mouthwash products
People connected icon

High-quality responses

Our built-in research capabilities ensure your ad and creative ideas get tested by a trusted panel of respondents.

Bar chart icon

Expert methodology

Tap into our expert methodology including benchmarking and an industry-standard monadic approach that guarantees high-quality responses.

Stopwatch icon

Speed to insights

Spend less time on data analysis by reducing manual processes, like evaluating open ended responses. Take advantage of our AI-Powered Insights that create presentation-ready reports.

Animated gif of different headshots changing next to a progress bar that is increasing from 400 to 900 with the question How many responses do you need? next to it

Rely on quality data from a trusted panel of respondents

SurveyMonkey Audience guarantees high-quality responses from millions of qualified people around the world.

Choose from more than 50 demographic parameters to create your target audience, or get even more specific by including your own custom screening question.

With SurveyMonkey Audience, your survey respondents come from our own proprietary panels and those of trusted global partners.

Our automated platform detects fraud, prevents duplicate responses, and limits survey invites and surveys per session to ensure high quality.

Our respondents refresh their profiles regularly and you can fine tune your targeting with census balancing and custom screening questions. 

Every project comes with out-of-the-box features such as:

  • Side-by-side analysis of concept(s)
  • 200 national responses with the option to refine targeting
  • One custom screening question
  • Monadic survey methodology and survey builder 
  • Up to 15 attributes for testing criteria
  • Automatic fielding of your survey
  • Quantitative results scorecard
  • Qualitative feedback word cloud
  • Option to include industry benchmarks
  • Presentation-ready results, available in various formats

Ad Testing automatically compares and scores multiple ads, and provides qualitative feedback to help you identify which ad creative will most effectively reach your target market—and why.

Comparing two mouthwash products

See how your ad concepts compare side by side and which are statistically significant. Customize the quantitative scorecard by choosing from 15+ attributes, or add other custom attributes for your ad concepts.

Impressions and feelingsQuality of informationMarket fitQualitative feedback
AppealBelievableAffordableFirst reaction
QualityClearMeets your needsLikes
Stands outPurchase frequencyWhat’s missing
AttractiveRelevantOne-word description
FunLikely to share online
In product example

Save time on data analysis and quickly find the insights in your data. Our AI-Powered Insights uses machine learning to identify the attributes that stand out.

Get an at-a-glance view of the groups that responded well to your concepts. See which concepts won in each age bracket, income bracket, geographic location, or any other criteria you chose for your survey. 

Forget manual sorting or filtering in spreadsheets; get insights quickly in a format that is easy to share.

Get to the bottom of why your attribute scores are high or low with analysis of your responses. 

  • Automatically identify trends within key segments, such as how one group responds differently than your target market.
  • Get AI-generated data points without having to sift through complex data.
  • Highlight the most common words and phrases from open-ended questions with Word Cloud.

See if your ad is visually appealing, unique, and innovative enough to stand out.

Comparing two products plus specific characteristics
Rotating PowerPoint example

You’ll get a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation of your analysis, or you can export the data to other formats such as CSV, XLS, SPSS, and more.

For 20 years, SurveyMonkey has been helping more than 335,000 global organizations gather and measure feedback, so they can make better decisions and drive impact.