You’ve got ideas.
Big ideas. About new ads, products, marketing messaging, and more. But how do you know whether you’ve got a winning concept that’ll boost sales?
We asked 500 marketing professionals how they know which of their ideas will be successful. And while the vast majority agreed that testing is important, we were surprised at how few had the time and money to consistently test.
Last year, we showed you how SurveyMonkey Audience uses surveys to test new ad concepts before launch. Since then, we’ve been hard at work perfecting our survey methodology to develop a scalable, repeatable process for creating sound concept test surveys for just about anything—including ads, images, book covers, product ideas, just to name a few.
That’s why our survey scientists have put together a comprehensive guide to help marketers and product managers use surveys to quickly test new ideas.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to use surveys to test concepts and perform market research without delaying your launch or breaking the bank.
Download our free concept testing eGuide to learn:
Tutustu asiakastyytyväisyyttä mittaaviin kyselytutkimusmalleihimme, niin voit nopeasti kerätä dataa, löytää epäkohdat ja parantaa asiakaskokemusta.
Hyödynnä palautetta SurveyMonkeyn verkkoarviointilomakkeiden avulla. Aloita heti lomaketyökalullamme.
Katso, kuinka Box selvittää SurveyMonkeyn avulla 360 asteen näkymän asiakaspolusta ja kerää palautetta yhdessä paikassa.
Kerää tarinoita ja kokemuksia suoraan asiakkailta ja muotoile niistä esimerkkitapauksia, kokemuksia ja arvosteluja myynnin ja markkinoinnin tueksi.