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Hallitse helposti tapahtumien vastauspyyntöjä.

Selvitä, mitä osallistujat haluavat tulevilta tapahtumilta.

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Pyydä palautetta, niin osaat vetää parempia kokouksia.

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Party, event & meeting planning survey templates

We’ll help you make your next event a success from start to finish

Have you ever been involved in planning an event like a conference or wedding? Big or small, casual or fancy, business or personal, you know it takes a lot of work.

There’s the venue to book, the menu to plan, invitations to send, and RSVPs to gather. As much effort as it takes to put together a great event, you’ll want to do everything you can to make sure it’s a success.

At SurveyMonkey, we’ve got the tools you need to create and send an event planning survey that will give you the information you need – before and after the celebration – to continue throwing great parties and corporate events.

You’ll be known as the organized, go-to event planner that knows how to make things happen when you get the data you need. Here’s how.

When you’re planning an event for your business or workplace, you’ll have to juggle a lot of diverse opinions, requirements, and preferences. Before you decide on that team building exercise, offsite, or holiday party, send out a corporate event survey to gather all of the data you need to make an informed decision. Ask questions like, “Do you have any dietary restrictions?” or, “Are there any questions you would like to be addressed at this event?” Of course, you can customize your questions to be as specific as you’d like.

You’ll need an accurate headcount in make sure you have enough canapés to go around. Send out a simple RSVP questionnaire to get the names, addresses, the number of people, and any other information you need to accurately plan your event.

Even the most seasoned event planners can learn more about throwing amazing parties. After your event, use one of our event feedback questionnaires to hear how your event went. You can ask general questions like, “How unique was the event?” or more specific questions such as, “What did you like about the entertainment event?” We’ve got templates for entertainment, neighborhood, and professional events and more.

When people gather, it’s an event. Brunches, bowling nights, sales conferences, and wedding receptions are all events that need planning. Start out with a general event planning survey template, then customize it to exactly what you need. Ask about anything you want, from the preferred day, the color scheme, or what the signature drink should be. It’s fun and fast; you can send out a poll in just minutes.

As time goes by, the details get a little fuzzy. You’ll want to know exactly what your guests liked, what they didn’t like, and what they’d like to see next time, so get their responses while the event is still fresh in their memory.

If you had several entertainment acts throughout your event, a question like, “Did you like the entertainment?” may be difficult to answer. Your attendees may have loved one act but loathed another. Ask about specific entertainers (or food dishes or presenters), and you’ll have a better idea what to do for your next event.

Be sure your guests know their event survey answers are 100% anonymous. In order to gain the most insight, they’ll need to feel free to compliment and criticize freely.

Planning a block party, garage sale, BBQ, or holiday event for your neighborhood? Use our quick, 6-question template to gauge the interests, availability, and preferences of your fellow residents.
Preview template

After the barricades come down, the trash is picked up, and everyone’s safely back in their homes, be sure to follow up with this 21-question neighborhood feedback questionnaire to see how successful your event was and to get ideas for the next party.
Preview template

Marathons, bike rides, walk-a-thons, and other athletic events are good candidates for our endurance event feedback template. Find out what was great, what needs work, and what your participants would like to see next time with this 16-question survey.
Preview template

After a party featuring entertainment, find out from your guests what they thought. This 16-question survey will give you feedback on the entertainment, venue, and the pre-event information.
Preview template

This is a versatile, 14-question event survey template you can leave as-is, or customize to get more in-depth feedback about your event. Find out about the value for the money, cleanliness, staff helpfulness, and more.
Preview template

Geared toward a corporate or company event (but easily customizable), this 14-question feedback template asks questions about the objectives, organization, and presenters.
Preview template

After your business event or convention, send out a survey to see how successful it was. This 18-question feedback survey covers topics like vendors, presenters, staff, and the venue.
Preview template

This basic, 10-question template is a good starting point for a conference or other event you’re planning. Learn about what your audience wants to see, what questions they’d like addressed, how the registration process was, and more.
Preview template

This super-simple, 4-question RSVP template is a great way to determine who will be attending your party, if they’ll be bringing others, and if they have any special requests.
Preview template

Woman with red hair creating a survey on laptop

Työkalumme on suunniteltu hyödyntämään palautetta työtehtävässäsi tai toimialallasi.

A man and woman looking at an article on their laptop, and writing information on sticky notes

Tutustu yli 400 asiantuntijoiden tekemään muokattavaan kyselytutkimusmalliin. Luo ja lähetä nopeasti kiinnostavia SurveyMonkey-kyselytutkimuksia.

Smiling man with glasses using a laptop

Kysymällä irtisanoutumis­haastattelussa juuri oikeat kysymykset voit vähentää työvoiman vaihtuvuutta. Aloita jo tänään työntekijälomake­työkalun ja -mallien avulla.

Woman reviewing information on her laptop

Hanki tarvitsemasi luvat muokattavan suostumuslomakkeen avulla. Rekisteröidy ilmaiseksi jo tänään ja laadi lomakkeita suostumuslomakemalliemme avulla.