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Freebridge Community Housing captures community feedback using SurveyMonkey

Tom Gray, a service desk analyst at Freebridge Community Housing, uses SurveyMonkey to improve customer experience.

Man smiling on bike

It’s the mission of many community organisations to improve the wellbeing of their communities. Community feedback plays an important role in community service.

Tom Gray, a service desk analyst at Freebridge Community Housing, the largest not-for-profit housing provider in West Norfolk, UK, wanted a way to ensure that he wasn’t missing opportunities to improve the customer experience.

SurveyMonkey has the features he needs to measure how well Freebridge’s service fulfils customers’ needs, what customers like and dislike about their service, and how customers would rate their interactions with the organisation.

Gray strongly agrees that his SurveyMonkey team plan provides him with measurable and actionable data about how Freebridge customers feel and makes it easier to measure how he and his team are tracking against customer-oriented goals.

Gray believes SurveyMonkey helps Freebridge measure across the entire customer journey, and acts as a holistic, comprehensive solution for feedback.

Compared to competitors, he rates SurveyMonkey as better or superior on key features for any customer experience solution, which includes:

  • Survey templates
  • Support team expertise
  • Ease of use
  • Collaboration features
  • Ability to export data
  • Ability to manage files and documents used to create surveys
  • Ability to centralize billing and account management

In addition to finding SurveyMonkey valuable across the board, he and his team at Freebridge found the team plan to be affordable and provided a quick ROI: Freebridge saw a return on investment in just 3 months.

SurveyMonkey has pushed our team to raise standards by seeing an increase in the quality of our results over time, helping to redefine standards.

Tom Gray, Service Desk Analyst, Freebridge Community Housing

Would Gray recommend SurveyMonkey? Yes, adding that: “As a member of ICT support, it is essential that I know if the service I provide meets customers’ and my own expectations."

This case study was sourced using TechValidate by SurveyMonkey.

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