Measure what drives inclusion at your company with our expert-designed survey template.
No matter how much you focus on hiring a diverse workforce, you’re not actually moving the needle if your employees don’t feel a sense of belonging. For diversity and inclusion efforts to succeed, it’s important to look beyond demographics, using data to uncover what makes a culture truly inclusive. The data you gather can be a guide for creating an environment of inclusiveness in the workplace where all employees can thrive.
Trying to build a D&I program that supports all your employees? Our end-to-end guide includes free templates and expert advice for building an inclusive company culture.
We’ve created a survey template that focuses on three key components of inclusion, each based on research by Stanford University experts Carol Dweck, Greg Walton, and Geoffrey Cohen.
Our survey was designed in partnership with Paradigm, a leader in diversity and inclusion strategy, to help companies take a data-driven approach to measuring inclusion that draws on behavioral science.
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