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Attend a personalized walkthrough of SurveyMonkey for Sales and learn how we can help you drive revenue and improve forecasting. As a thank you for attending, we’ll gift you a pair of Apple AirPod® headphones, while supplies last. See below for the full rules.*

Automate survey delivery according to key milestones. Easily compare what prospects are telling you to what reps are saying.

Confirm commitments directly with customers. Identify at-risk opportunities and move people off the fence with laser-focused effort.


Reduce misalignments and demonstrate that you’re in command of your territory.

87% of customers say their users are empowered to make better business decisions by using SurveyMonkey Enterprise.

*2019 TechValidate study

By invite-only (non-transferable) and limited to new potential customers who qualify to schedule and attend a walkthrough before July 31st, 2020, one per company. Offer only valid in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

1. Please read these full rules (“Rules”) before participating in the giveaway offer (the “Offer”). By participating in the Offer, you represent that you satisfy all of the eligibility requirements below and agree to be bound by these Rules.

2. Eligibility: To receive the Offer, you must be invited by SurveyMonkey Europe UC (“Sponsor”) through email or other electronic means, and you must: (1) attend a thirty (30) minute SurveyMonkey for Sales walkthrough prior to 5:00 pm GMT on July 31, 2020, as mutually scheduled by you and Sponsor; (2) be a resident of the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland (collectively, the “Territory”) with a mailing address in the Territory; (3) be employed at a European Company that is not currently using SurveyMonkey Enterprise; and (4) be over 18 years of age.  A “European Company” means a corporate entity formed under the laws of any member state of the Territory with a physical mailing address in the Territory and including subsidiaries of international companies, provided they have an office located in the Territory.  Participation in the Offer is by invite-only. To be eligible, invitations must be received directly from Sponsor, and may not be transferred, duplicated, or otherwise disseminated. Participation in the Offer is limited to one (1) invited individual per European Company.  Employees, representatives and agents of Sponsor, its affiliated companies, and each of their immediate family members are not eligible.

3. Limitations and Participant Verification. The Offer is valid only while Reward supplies last. Qualifications determined by SurveyMonkey and may be based on your company’s current survey needs. In the event of multiple qualified walkthroughs provided to eligible employees from the same European Company, only the first qualifying walkthrough from such European Company will be eligible.

If it is discovered by Sponsor that you have attempted to: (i) obtain more than one (1) Reward per European Company; (ii) participate without an invitation; (iii) transfer or otherwise copy or disseminate invitations; and/or (iv) use any means not in keeping with Sponsor’s interpretation of the letter and/or spirit of these Rules to participate in or to disrupt this Offer; then you may be disqualified from the Offerin Sponsor’s discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to require proof of identity and/or eligibility for the purposes of verifying an individual’s eligibility to participate in this Offer.

4. Offer Period: The Offer begins at 9:00 AM GMT May 1, 2020 andends at 5:00 pm GMT on July 31st, 2020 (the “Offer Period”).  You must have scheduled and attended your entire SurveyMonkey for Sales walkthrough prior to the end of this Offer Period.

5. Rewards and ARV: Eligible participants will receive one (1) pair of AirPods® headphones, with an approximate retail value of €165 (each a “Reward”).

No substitution, cash redemption or transfer of Rewards is permitted except at Sponsor’s discretion. If the advertised Reward cannot be awarded for any reason, we reserve the right to substitute a reward of equal or greater value.

Participants are solely responsible for any and all taxes pertaining to the Rewards.

6. Reward Redemption: In order to receive the Reward, you must provide your physical address as the Reward will be delivered by mail approximately thirty (30) days after you attend the walkthrough.

If an eligible Reward recipient: (a) cannot accept (or is unwilling to accept) the applicable Reward for any reason; and/or (b) is determined by Sponsor to be in violation of these Rules, then he/she will be disqualified and will forfeit all rights to the Reward.  By accepting a Reward, you confirm your eligibility to receive the Reward in compliance with applicable law and or policy, and further release the Released Parties from any and all liability in connection with this Offer.

7. Miscellaneous: The decisions of Sponsor with respect to this Offer are final and binding, including decisions regarding the eligibility of participants. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, modify, extend or suspend the Offer at any time for any reason.  Sponsor and each of its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) are not responsible or liable for any lost, stolen, late, incomplete, illegible, interrupted, or misdirected participations, mail or e-mail, or Offer-related materials or if any participant’s contact information does not work or is changed without participant giving prior written notice to Sponsor. Sponsor has the right to disqualify any individual who attempts to participate fraudulently or deceptively, or otherwise not in accordance with Sponsor’s interpretation of these Rules

This Offer is governed by the laws of Ireland.

Void where prohibited.

AirPods® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Apple does not sponsor or endorse this promotion, nor is it affiliated with SurveyMonkey Inc.