
SurveyMonkey on tehty tehokkaaseen toimintaan. Katso, mitä SurveyMonkey voi tehdä puolestasi.

Hanki tietoon perustuvia näkemyksiä johtavalta kyselytutkimusyritykseltä.

Tutustu ydinominaisuuksiin ja monipuolisiin työkaluihin yhdellä tehokkaalla alustalla.

Luo ja muokkaa verkkolomakkeita tiedon ja maksujen keräämiseen.

Tehosta toimintaa yli 100 integroinnin avulla.

Räätälöidyt ratkaisut kaikkiin tutkimustarpeisiin.

Kyselytutkimuksia ja näkemyksiä nopeammin tekoälyn avulla.


Mittaa yrityksesi asiakastyytyväisyyttä ja ‑uskollisuutta.

Selvitä, mikä ilahduttaa asiakkaita ja tekee heistä suosittelijoita.

Paranna käyttäjäkokemusta hyödyllisillä havainnoilla.

Kerää yhteystietoja eri sidosryhmiltä.

Hallitse helposti tapahtumien vastauspyyntöjä.

Selvitä, mitä osallistujat haluavat tulevilta tapahtumilta.

Paranna sitoutumista ja tuloksia havaintojen avulla.

Pyydä palautetta, niin osaat vetää parempia kokouksia.

Paranna työsuoritusta työtovereiden palautteen avulla.

Luo parempia kursseja ja opetusmenetelmiä.

Pyydä opiskelijoita arvioimaan kurssimateriaalit.

Selvitä asiakkaiden mielipiteet uudesta tuoteideasta.


Kyselytutkimusten ja datan parhaat käytännöt

Vinkkejä mm. kyselytutkimuksiin ja liiketoimintaan

SurveyMonkeyn ohjeet ja oppaat

Näin huippubrändit lisäävät kasvua SurveyMonkeyn avulla

Ota yhteys myyntiinKirjaudu sisään
Ota yhteys myyntiinKirjaudu sisään

63 % sehen sich den Datenschutz- und Sicherheitshintergrund eines Unternehmens an, bevor sie dessen Produkte oder Dienstleistungen nutzen.

Statistiken Seitenleiste Rechtliches


These SurveyMonkey Referral Program Terms of Service (“Terms”) are “Additional Terms” to the SurveyMonkey Terms of Use, and govern your participation in the SurveyMonkey Referral Program (“Referral Program”). Capitalized terms that are not defined here will have the same meaning given to them in the SurveyMonkey Terms of Use. By participating in the Referral Program, you agree to these Terms which are incorporated in the SurveyMonkey Terms of Use.

The Referral Program offers eligible SurveyMonkey subscribers (“Referrers”) the opportunity to earn a discount on their next SurveyMonkey subscription bill (“Referrer Discount”) when they refer eligible friends (“Friends”) who become new paid subscribers to SurveyMonkey. The Referrer Discount will be 10% off the next subscription bill (tax inclusive or tax exempt, where applicable) unless indicated otherwise in the Referral Program invitation or accompanying promotional materials.

To be eligible to be a Referrer, you must be an existing SurveyMonkey paid subscriber with an Annual plan unless indicated otherwise in the Referral Program invitation or accompanying promotional materials. SurveyMonkey subscribers who are or become members of a Team or Enterprise plan are not eligible to be a Referrer or receive a Referral Discount.

To be eligible to be a Friend, your friend must never previously been a paid subscriber to SurveyMonkey. SurveyMonkey subscribers who are or become members of a Team or Enterprise plan are not eligible to be a Friend or receive a New Subscriber Discount.

As part of the Referral Program, SurveyMonkey will provide Referrers with a unique referral URL ("Link") that identifies them as the referral source and offers their Friends the opportunity to receive a discount from SurveyMonkey for signing up for a new, paid, first-time SurveyMonkey subscription (“New Subscriber Discount”). The New Subscriber Discount will be 10% off the purchase price (tax inclusive or tax exempt, where applicable) unless indicated otherwise in the Referral Program invitation or accompanying promotional materials.

To obtain a Link, Referrers must log in to their SurveyMonkey account and navigate to the “Refer a Friend” tab. Subject to Section 3 below, Referrers may send their Link to Friends by whatever means they wish, including by email, text, and social media posts.

A Friend will receive a New Subscriber Discount off their first SurveyMonkey subscription bill when the Friend signs up through a Link and purchases an eligible SurveyMonkey plan. The eligible SurveyMonkey plans are Annual Plans unless indicated otherwise in the Referral Program invitation or accompanying promotional materials.

Once a Friend activates a Link by clicking on it and signing up for a SurveyMonkey account, the Friend must purchase an eligible SurveyMonkey subscription within 30 days of sign-up for the Friend to be able to receive the New Subscriber Discount and for the Referrer to receive the Referrer Discount. If the purchase occurs more than 30 days after sign-up, neither the Friend nor the Referrer shall be eligible to receive the New Subscriber Discount or Referrer Discount, respectively.

Except for subscribers with a discount for students and educators, the Referrer Discount and New Subscriber Discount may not be combined with other SurveyMonkey discounts or incentives.

The maximum cumulative amount of Referrer Discounts that Referrers can receive is 100% off their next SurveyMonkey subscription bill. Any Referrer Discounts received in excess of that amount will not be carried or rolled over into any subsequent SurveyMonkey subscription bill.

Links should only be sent for personal and non-commercial purposes, and only shared with personal connections that will appreciate receiving these invitations as required by applicable laws in the jurisdiction(s) where you and your Friends reside. Links should not be published or distributed where there is no reasonable basis for believing that all or most of the recipients are personal friends (such as coupon websites, Reddit, Wikipedia, or similar online properties). Referrer is responsible for ensuring that Referrer has all permissions required by applicable law prior to sending Links.

SurveyMonkey may suspend or terminate the Referral Program or a Referrer’s or Friend’s ability to participate in the Referral Program at any time for any reason in its sole discretion.

SurveyMonkey reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts or remove discounts obtained through the Referral Program if we notice any activity that we believe is abusive, fraudulent, or in violation of our Terms of Use. We reserve the right to review and investigate all referral activities and to suspend accounts or Links, or modify referrals in our sole discretion as deemed fair and appropriate.

The scope, variety, and type of SurveyMonkey subscriptions that you may purchase can change at any time.

We may communicate to Friends who the Friends’ Referrers are for the purpose of assuring and confirming that the Friends are aware of the identity of the people who made the referrals.

SurveyMonkey can update these Terms at any time without prior notice. If we modify these terms, we will post the modification on this website, and the new terms will be effective upon posting. Continued participation in the Referral Program after any modification of these Terms shall constitute consent to such modification.